Wednesday, September 12, 2018

For Friday, September 14

Here are the seven archetypes (typical character examples)-

1. Hero--protagonist or antagonist
2. Mentor-someone wise who give advice
3. Threshold Guardian (someone in the way)
4. Herald (someone who calls the hero to action or adventure)
5. Shapeshifter (someone who changes appearance)
6. Villain (or opponent)
7.  Trickster (or con artist)

Your assignment:
1. Design and draw a movie poster for Iliad. Your poster needs to depict three characters who embody three archetypes.
2. Write a short paragraph that explains the the archetypal characters in Iliad and how your drawn poster depicts them.

And you have a quiz over Iliad on Friday, September 14.  Read over your reading questions and be ready to write a chunk or two. 

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